Umbra Noctis

Shadow of the Night

House of Shadows

Head of House
Professor Mallikaius

House Overview

Umbra Noctis is the enigmatic heart of Emberforge University, where shadows whisper secrets of the unseen world. This house delves deep into the mysteries of the unknown, encouraging its members to explore the subtle and often overlooked aspects of magick. Students of Umbra Noctis are adept at navigating the shadows, using their intuitive understanding of darker energies to master stealth, espionage, and the subtle arts of manipulation. The house emphasizes the importance of understanding the balance between light and darkness, teaching its students to harness the protective and revealing powers of shadows. The curriculum is rich with courses on occult studies, curses and curse-breaking, and defensive magicks, preparing students to guard against and neutralize malevolent forces. Alumni are often found in roles such as mystics, fortune-tellers, dark arts sorcerers, or roles that require discretion and cunning, such as secret keepers, intelligence agents, and guardians of forbidden knowledge, who operate quietly but with profound impact on the magical and mundane worlds alike.

Core Values

Intuition: Intuition guides the enigmatic journey of Umbra Noctis, leading its members through the shadows of mystery and the depths of the unknown. Students learn to trust their instincts and intuition, navigating the darkness with clarity and discernment.

Mystery: Mystery shrouds Umbra Noctis, inspiring curiosity and intrigue in its members. Students explore the enigmatic depths of the night, unraveling secrets and uncovering hidden truths that lie beyond the veil of darkness.

Discretion: Discretion is paramount in Umbra Noctis, where secrets are safeguarded and trust is earned through discretion and discernment. Students learn the art of discretion, guarding their words and actions with careful consideration and wisdom.

Astra in Tenebris - Stars in the Darkness

House Crest and Symbolism

The emblem of Umbra Noctis is a profound representation of the house's core values and its connection to the mysteries of the night. Central to the design is the majestic Nocturnix, a creature that flies silently and stealthily through the darkness. This mysterious being, who dies within a cocoon and is reborn, mirrors the cyclical nature of life and death, serving as the yin to the phoenix's yang, embodying the eternal dance between night and day.

Encircling the Nocturnix are five stars, each symbolizing one of the five houses of Emberforge University, emphasizing unity and the shared pursuit of enlightenment through different paths. The Nocturnix faces downward and to the left, signifying introspection, the left-handed path, and the house's focus on inner wisdom and the unseen truths that lie within the shadows.

The ribbon at the base of the emblem displays the wings of the Nocturnix in both upright and upside-down positions, highlighting the house's appreciation for duality and balance. This intricate design element reinforces the house's motto, "Astra in Tenebris," which translates to "Stars in the Darkness," symbolizing the illumination that can be found even in the deepest night.

The crest's overall design, with its graceful curves and balanced composition, reflects the elegance and depth of Umbra Noctis. It serves as a powerful reminder of the house's mission: to explore the hidden corners of knowledge and to embrace the transformative power of introspection and renewal. The emblem stands as a beacon for those who seek to understand the mysteries of the night and the wisdom that lies beyond the visible.

House Colors

Umbra Noctis cloaks itself in the midnight shades of black and blue, colors that evoke the essence of the night sky and the profound depths of the ocean. Black represents the infinite mysteries of the cosmos and the protective embrace of darkness, inviting its members to explore the hidden and the unknown. Blue echoes this sentiment, symbolizing wisdom, depth, and introspection - key aspects of the Umbra Noctis ethos.

The harmony color of Umbra Noctis is a gentle soft pink, a delicate reminder amidst the house's contemplation of the darker realms. This color represents compassion, nurturing, and a tender heart - qualities that are vital to balance the intensity of their usual pursuits. Soft pink serves as a beacon of emotional depth, encouraging members to maintain empathy and warmth towards others, ensuring that their exploration of the dark does not harden their hearts but rather enriches their understanding of the universe's balance. This nuanced addition to their color palette subtly steers the members of Umbra Noctis towards maintaining a humane approach in all their endeavors, fostering a holistic development that values the light within the darkness.

Expectations from Students of Umbra Noctis

Students of Umbra Noctis are expected to embrace the darkness within and without, navigating its depths with courage and resilience. They should demonstrate a willingness to explore the shadows of existence, confronting fears and uncertainties with a steadfast heart. Moreover, students are encouraged to cultivate empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of the demon condition, recognizing the beauty and vulnerability inherent in darkness. Participation in creative expression, introspective practices, and acts of kindness towards fellow students and the broader community is highly valued.

What Students Will Gain

By immersing themselves in the realm of Umbra Noctis, students can expect to develop a profound sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. They will learn to harness the transformative power of darkness, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and enlightenment. Moreover, students will gain a unique perspective on life, embracing its inherent complexities and embracing the beauty of imperfection. Additionally, the supportive and nurturing environment of Umbra Noctis fosters deep connections and a sense of belonging, empowering students to navigate the darkness with grace and resilience.

Offerings for Students of Umbra Noctis

At Emberforge University, students of Umbra Noctis are welcomed into a realm of profound darkness and illumination, where the depths of the night hold secrets waiting to be uncovered. Within the shadowy halls of the university, students have the opportunity to explore the darkest corners of magic, delving into the mysteries of the occult and mastering the arts of dark arts mastery and defense. Through specialized courses and practical training, students learn to harness the power of darkness while cultivating compassion and empathy, guided by mentors who understand the delicate balance between light and shadow. With access to advanced spellcasting techniques, esoteric knowledge, and opportunities for personal growth, students of Umbra Noctis can expect to emerge from their studies with a deep understanding of the complexities of magic and a sense of inner strength that will guide them through the darkest of nights.

House Traditions

Nocturnal Soiree: The Nocturnal Soiree is an elegant affair held in the dimly lit halls of Umbra Noctis. Students and faculty come together to appreciate the beauty of the night, indulging in music, dance, and enchanting conversations. It’s a time to embrace the mysterious allure of darkness while forging lasting bonds within the house.

Shadow Walks: Under the cloak of night, students embark on shadow walks through the enchanted forests surrounding Umbra Noctis. Led by senior members, these nocturnal adventures encourage students to explore the depths of their fears and discover hidden truths. It’s a journey of self-discovery and solidarity, strengthening the bonds of the house.

Nocturnix Birth Observation: Once every four Septaeman years, Umbra Noctis gathers to observe the birth of the Nocturnix, a mystical creature unique to the house. As the Nocturnix emerges from its chrysalis, students witness the transformation, symbolizing renewal and transformation within themselves. It’s a sacred ritual that connects the house to the cycles of darkness and rebirth.