Ignis Vox

The Voice of Fire

House of Ember

Head of House
Professor Pyrrhus

House Overview

Ignis Vox is the pulsing heart of passion and creativity at Emberforge University, fostering a fiery spirit among its members. The house is a melting pot of brave souls and creative minds, where artistry meets activism, and magic sparks revolutionary ideas. Students in Ignis Vox are encouraged to channel their inner fire into every endeavor, be it through spellcasting, crafting, or performing. The curriculum supports a dynamic range of subjects from forging and pyromancy to music and the theatrical arts, emphasizing the power of creativity as a force for change and influence. The house nurtures not only the skills necessary for mastery of the elemental magics, especially fire, but also the development of personal expression and the courage to stand up for one’s beliefs. Alumni of Ignis Vox often become influential artists, daring leaders, and innovators who push the boundaries of what is possible in both magick and society. They are known for their charismatic leadership and are often at the forefront of cultural and social movements within Septaema.

Core Values

Courage: Courage blazes brightly in Ignis Vox, igniting the flames of creativity and passion in its members. Students embrace the spotlight with courage and conviction, fearlessly expressing themselves and their creative visions to the world.

Creativity: Creativity flourishes in Ignis Vox, inspiring bold innovation and visionary expression. Students harness the power of their imagination to fuel their artistic endeavors, exploring new frontiers of creativity and pushing the boundaries of possibility.

Passion: Passion fuels the fiery spirit of Ignis Vox, driving its members to pursue their dreams with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm. Students channel their passions into their creative works, infusing them with intensity, emotion, and purpose.

Arte Ignis, Vita Passio - Art is Fire, Life is Passion

House Crest and Symbolism

The emblem of Ignis Vox is a striking representation of the house's fiery spirit and unwavering passion for the arts. At its heart lies a grand theatre stage, adorned with majestic curtains that symbolize the dramatic flair and creative energy that define Ignis Vox. This stage serves as a canvas for students to unleash their boundless imagination and artistic talents, embodying the house's commitment to creative expression and innovation.

Adorning the stage is a formidable dragon, its majestic form holding a blazing five-pointed flame. Each point of the flame represents one of the five houses of Emberforge University, signifying unity and collaboration in the pursuit of artistic excellence. The dragon, a symbol of courage and strength, epitomizes the house's bold and adventurous spirit, inspiring students to fearlessly explore new realms of creativity and self-expression.

The intricate design of the emblem captures the essence of Ignis Vox, with its dynamic composition and evocative symbolism. The motto inscribed beneath the emblem, "Arte Ignis, Vita Passio," meaning "Art is Fire, Life is Passion," encapsulates the house's ethos of embracing the transformative power of artistic expression and living life with unbridled passion.

As students gaze upon the emblem of Ignis Vox, they are reminded of the house's rich heritage and the profound impact of creativity on both personal growth and societal change.

House Colors

Ignis Vox dazzles with a palette of bright red and orange, colors that capture the essence of fire and its dual nature of warmth and destruction. Red, the color of courage and action, symbolizes the passionate and fearless spirit of Ignis Vox members. It encourages them to stand out and be bold in their endeavors, pushing them to lead and inspire. Orange complements this by representing creativity, enthusiasm, and the joy of expression, aligning perfectly with the house's connection to the arts and its vibrant community of musicians and artists.

The harmony color for Ignis Vox is grey, a subtle yet powerful reminder to its members of the importance of humility and moderation. Grey represents balance and neutrality, serving as a grounding force amidst the fiery energy that defines the house. This color teaches Ignis Vox members that while it is important to embrace their bright and commanding presence, they must also remain humble and considerate. It reminds them that true leadership and creativity are most effective when tempered with a sense of humility and an understanding of the bigger picture, ensuring that their flames illuminate rather than consume.

Expectations from Students of Ignis Vox

Students of Ignis Vox are expected to embody the fiery spirit of courage and creativity, fearlessly pursuing their passions and standing boldly in the spotlight. They should demonstrate a willingness to take risks, express themselves authentically, and inspire others through their artistry and innovation. Moreover, students are encouraged to cultivate humility and empathy, recognizing the power of their voice to uplift and empower those around them. Active participation in artistic endeavors, leadership roles, and acts of bravery both within and beyond the school community is highly encouraged.

What Students Will Gain

By embracing the vibrant energy of Ignis Vox, students can expect to unlock their full creative potential and ignite their inner flame of passion and purpose. They will develop confidence in their abilities, fearlessly sharing their unique voice and vision with the world. Moreover, students will gain valuable leadership skills and a strong sense of camaraderie, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where each voice is heard and celebrated. Additionally, the transformative journey through Ignis Vox empowers students to embrace challenges with resilience and determination, emerging as bold and visionary leaders ready to make their mark on the world.

Offerings for Students of Ignis Vox

Emberforge University welcomes students of Ignis Vox to a realm of fiery passion and boundless creativity, where the flames of inspiration ignite the soul and illuminate the path to greatness. Within the vibrant halls of the university, students have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and explore the depths of their artistic talents, guided by mentors who understand the transformative power of the arts. Through specialized courses in culinary magick, mastery of creative arts, and performance arts, students learn to harness the power of fire to create magickal works that captivate the senses and ignite the imagination. With access to state-of-the-art facilities, immersive experiences, and opportunities to showcase their talents, students of Ignis Vox can expect to emerge from their studies as visionary artists, ready to set the world ablaze with their passion and creativity.

House Traditions

Inferno Fest: Ignis Vox ignites the flames of creativity with its annual Inferno Fest. This vibrant celebration showcases the fiery talents of students, including fiery performances, dazzling displays of pyrotechnics, and passionate exhibitions of artistry. It’s a time for students to showcase their bravery and creativity while igniting inspiration in others.

Bardic Circles: Throughout the year, students gather in Bardic Circles to share their artistic endeavors and creative musings. Whether it’s fiery spoken word poetry, soul-stirring musical performances, or captivating storytelling, these gatherings foster a supportive environment for students to express themselves and hone their craft. It’s a tradition that embodies the spirit of Ignis Vox, where creativity knows no bounds.

Emberlight Vigil: As dusk descends, Ignis Vox pays homage to the eternal flame with the Emberlight Vigil. Students gather around the flickering flames, reflecting on their journey of self-discovery and artistic growth. It’s a moment of quiet contemplation and inspiration, where the warmth of the fire illuminates the path to artistic enlightenment.