Terra Nova

New Land

House of Ingenuity

Head of House
Professor Gaiara

House Overview

Terra Nova is the bastion of endurance and innovation, where students embody the steadfast qualities of earth and the pioneering spirit of exploration. This house attracts those who are grounded, practical, and driven by a desire to discover and build. At Terra Nova, the focus is on disciplines such as geology, construction magick, and landscape transformation, enabling students to manipulate earth elements for creative and constructive purposes. Courses are designed to provide a deep understanding of the physical world, from the crafting of enchanted materials to the stabilization of magickal structures. Students learn to harness the strength and diversity of earth to forge sustainable environments and durable magickal artifacts. The house promotes resilience, diligence, and a hands-on approach to solving challenges, preparing its members to be architects of the future—whether in constructing fortified realms, developing new magickal practices, or revitalizing lands affected by magickal or natural disturbances. Terra Nova graduates are renowned for their ability to effect tangible changes in the world, making them indispensable in realms where the creation of safe and thriving communities is paramount. This house produces some of the finest craftsmen and warriors, known for their unshakable loyalty and dependability.

Core Values

Resilience: Resilience runs deep in Terra Nova, fortifying its members with strength and endurance to withstand life’s challenges. Students weather the storms of adversity with unwavering resilience, emerging from the trials stronger and more steadfast than before.

Perseverance: Perseverance fuels the indomitable spirit of Terra Nova, driving its members to persevere in the face of adversity and hardship. Students tenaciously pursue their goals and aspirations, overcoming obstacles with determination and grit.

Innovation: Innovation flourishes in Terra Nova, inspiring bold experimentation and groundbreaking discovery. Students push the boundaries of knowledge and invention, pioneering new technologies and solutions to shape the future.

Virtus in Progressu - Virtue in Progress

House Crest and Symbolism

The emblem of Terra Nova is a powerful representation of strength, progress, and steadfastness, embodying the house’s core values. Dominating the background is a large cogwheel, symbolizing innovation, invention, and the relentless drive for progress. This mechanical element highlights Terra Nova's commitment to moving forward and continuously improving, embracing change and technological advancements to build a better future.

At the center of the emblem stands the Litharion, a majestic tree-like creature that epitomizes the qualities of strength, endurance, and dependability. The Litharion, with its sturdy roots and branches, signifies the house's deep connection to the earth and its resilience in the face of adversity. This creature serves as a reminder to students that, like the Litharion, they must remain grounded yet adaptable, drawing strength from their roots while reaching for new heights.

The five-pointed gems adorning the emblem vary in size, symbolizing the gradual and steady progress achieved through hard work and perseverance. These gems reflect the hard-working nature of Terra Nova, illustrating that dedication and diligence, even in the face of challenges, lead to growth and success. Each point of the gem represents one of the five houses of Emberforge University, emphasizing the unity and collective effort required to achieve greatness.

The motto, "Virtus in Progressu," meaning "Virtue in Progress," encapsulates the house's belief in the importance of continuous improvement and the virtues gained through persistent effort. This motto inspires students to embrace their journey with determination and integrity, knowing that their hard work will yield valuable rewards.

Together, the elements of the Terra Nova emblem serve as a beacon of strength and perseverance, encouraging students to cultivate their inner fortitude and strive for excellence in all their endeavors.

House Colors

Terra Nova's earthy palette of deep brown and pebble color embodies the essence of endurance, stability, and pragmatism. Deep brown, mirroring the fertile soil of Septaema, symbolizes the house's foundational strength and its members' connection to the earth. It inspires a sense of reliability and responsibility among its members, reminding them of their duty to build and maintain the structures - both literal and metaphorical - that support their community. The stone color represents resilience and the enduring nature of Terra Nova's contributions, highlighting the importance of creating lasting impacts that stand the test of time.

The harmony color for Terra Nova is a light warm green, which serves as a gentle reminder of the vitality and rejuvenation inherent in nature. This color encourages members to remember that growth and construction are not solely about physical expansion but also about cultivating beauty and sustainability within their environments. It symbolizes the fresh shoots of spring and the importance of incorporating the organic and the living into their endeavors. Light warm green brings a message of balance, urging Terra Nova members to harmonize their robust construction efforts with the softer, more nurturing aspects of their personalities and to celebrate the cyclical growth that defines both nature and life itself.

Expectations from Students of Terra Nova

Students of Terra Nova are expected to embody the steadfast and nurturing qualities of the earth, demonstrating resilience, perseverance, and a deep respect for the natural world. They should embrace the values of hard work, dedication, and community, recognizing the importance of collaboration and cooperation in achieving shared goals. Students are encouraged to cultivate a strong connection with the land, fostering stewardship and sustainability practices that honor and protect the environment. Furthermore, they should strive to embody the spirit of growth and renewal, embracing change as an opportunity for personal and collective evolution.

What Students Will Gain

By grounding themselves in the fertile soil of Terra Nova, students can expect to cultivate a strong foundation of practical skills, resilience, and resourcefulness. They will develop a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings and their relationship to the earth, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the environment. Moreover, students will gain valuable skills in craftsmanship, construction, and sustainable living practices, empowering them to contribute positively to their communities and the world at large. Through their journey in Terra Nova, students will emerge as resilient leaders and champions of sustainability, committed to building a future of abundance and harmony for all.

Offerings for Students of Terra Nova

Emberforge University offers a wealth of opportunities for students of Terra Nova to explore and expand their understanding of the earth’s boundless wonders. Delve into a curriculum tailored to cultivate skills in carpentry craftsmanship, forging mastery, and the history of Septaema, honoring the rich traditions of craftsmanship and construction that underpin the foundations of our realm. With access to state-of-the-art workshops, immersive field experiences, and mentorship from seasoned artisans, students of Terra Nova embark on a journey of discovery and creation, honing their abilities to shape and sculpt the world around them. Whether crafting magickal artifacts, building sustainable structures, or unraveling the mysteries of ancient civilizations, students emerge from their studies as architects of the future, poised to leave an indelible mark on the world through their ingenuity, resilience, and enduring connection to the earth.

House Traditions

Gaia’s Blessing Ceremony: Terra Nova honors the Earth with its annual Gaia’s Blessing Ceremony, a celebration of nature’s bounty and resilience. During this ceremony, students gather in the lush gardens of Emberforge to express gratitude for the earth’s gifts and renew their commitment to environmental stewardship. Through rituals, songs, and offerings, participants invoke the spirit of Gaia, fostering a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all living things.

Echoes of the Ancient Forest: Terra Nova organizes Echoes of the Ancient Forest excursions, guiding students into the heart of Septaema’s ancient woodlands. Led by experienced guides, these journeys offer opportunities for spiritual connection, herbal exploration, and the study of indigenous flora and fauna. Students immerse themselves in the serene beauty of the forest, learning from its wisdom and discovering the secrets hidden within its depths.

Elemental Studies Retreats: Throughout the academic year, Terra Nova hosts Elemental Studies Retreats, inviting students to deepen their understanding of the natural elements. Held in sacred groves and elemental sanctuaries, these retreats explore the earth’s elemental energies through meditation, ritual, and hands-on practices. Participants engage in elemental magic, elemental attunement, and environmental activism, forging a harmonious bond with the elements and their surroundings.