Healing Magick


Welcome, compassionate souls of Emberforge University, to a course dedicated to the art of Healing Magick. In this transformative journey, we explore the mystical realm of healing, where the power of magick and the intention to heal converge. Join us as we delve into the profound practice of Healing Magick.

Module 4: Crystal Healing

- Harness the energy of crystals and gemstones for healing and spiritual growth.

- Explore crystal layouts, meditation, and attunement to specific energies.

Module 3: Herbal Remedies and Potions

- Discover the magickal properties of herbs and plants used in healing.

- Learn to create herbal remedies, teas, and potions for various ailments and intentions.

Module 2: Energy Healing and Chakra Work

- Dive into the world of energy healing, learning to manipulate and balance the body's energy centers.

- Explore the chakra system and techniques for chakra cleansing and alignment.

Module 1: Foundations of Healing Magick

- Explore the foundational principles of Healing Magick and its significance in the realm of Septaema.

- Understand the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the healing process.

Module 5: Healing with Elements

- Explore the healing potential of Septaema’s elements – fire, water, earth, air, and spirit.

- Learn elemental rituals and practices for balance and restoration.

Module 6: Ritual Healing and Ceremony

- Dive into the realm of magickal rituals and ceremonies for healing purposes.

- Create your healing rituals, including purification, blessing, and protection.

Module 7: Psychic and Spiritual Healing

- Develop psychic and intuitive abilities for spiritual healing.

- Explore aura cleansing, energy clearing, and psychic protection.

Module 8: Shamanic Healing

- Embark on a shamanic journey to connect with spirit guides and animal allies.

- Learn shamanic healing techniques, including soul retrieval and extraction.

Module 9: Ancestral Healing

- Explore the healing potential of connecting with your ancestral lineage.

- Learn ancestral healing rituals and practices to resolve generational patterns.

Module 10: Ethical Healing and Practice

- Understand the ethical considerations of Healing Magick, including consent and responsibility.

- Embrace the responsibility that comes with wielding healing powers for the greater good.

What You Will Learn and Gain:

By completing this course, you will have accomplished the skills and knowledge required to become a proficient healer and practitioner of Healing Magick. You'll:

1. Healing Magick Proficiency: Gain a deep understanding of the principles and techniques of Healing Magick.

2. Energy Healing Mastery: Learn to manipulate and balance energy for healing purposes.

3. Herbal and Potion Crafting: Discover the magickal properties of herbs and create effective remedies.

4. Crystal Healing Expertise: Harness the energy of crystals and gemstones for healing.

5. Elemental Healing Practices: Explore elemental rituals and practices for balance and restoration.

6. Ritual and Ceremony Design: Create your healing rituals and ceremonies for various intentions.

7. Psychic and Spiritual Healing: Develop psychic abilities and use them for spiritual healing.

8. Shamanic Healing Skills: Embark on shamanic journeys and perform shamanic healing techniques.

9. Ancestral Healing: Connect with your ancestral lineage and resolve generational patterns.

10. Ethical Healing: Understand the ethical considerations and responsibilities of Healing Magick.

Who Should Take This Course and Why:

This course is designed for all students who are drawn to the healing arts and seek to harness the power of Healing Magick. Whether you aspire to become a healer, enhance your spiritual practice, or help others on their healing journey, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of Healing Magick. By choosing this course, you'll embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a skilled and ethical healer in the realm of Septaema.

Transformation Through Knowledge:

Discover the transformative power of healing magick, utilizing energy work, herbal lore, crystals, and more to restore balance to the body and soul. Embrace the journey towards holistic well-being and healing mastery.